Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ice and Salt Dough

What do you do when it is icing outside?  You make salt dough ornaments of course.  

Last Sunday we had a winter storm that included lots of ice.  Scott has been traveling in Europe all week so the kids and I hunkered down in the house with very little ambition to do much of anything.  

While trying to think of an activity to keep Olivia the Busy Bee occupied I remembered the salt dough project that I wanted to complete over Christmas (one of the many projects that didn't get completed I might add).  

Olivia pulled her chair up to the counter while I got out the ingredients, mixer and preheated the oven. 

Olivia helped me measure the salt, flour and even helped pour the water into the mixer.  She is, however, short on patience (I don't know where she gets that) and had a hard time waiting for the dough to mix.

Finn was busy stealing Olivia's money while we were mixing the dough.

Once the dough was mixed we pressed Olivia's little hands into half the dough and Finn's little feet into the other half.  I can't believe how tiny their prints are.  I wish they could stay this little forever.

Tummy Time

Who's ready for some tummy time?  That would be Mrs. Olivia.  She is such a great help when it comes to tummy time.  She loves to flip Finn on his belly, yes I said flip she isn't nice about it.  I think she knows this is the only time she will be able to beat up on her little brother.  Once she has him on his belly she will lay on the floor and talk to him.  She has the cutest little conversations, she can even make him laugh.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Round One: Rice Cereal 1 Finn 0

Finn just had his four month check up.  He is doing great, growing like a weed.  He was showing off the entire time we were there, rolling all over the place and jabbering up a storm.  He didn't even cry when he got his shots.  He is doing so well that we got the go ahead for rice cereal.

Finn did pretty good for his first try.  He would open his mouth for the spoon but had a hard time figuring out that he needed to close his mouth to swallow.  After a few bites he started to figure it out.  I am sure it will only take a few more times for him to get the hang of it.

We are Moliners We're From Moline!

Olivia and I went to a basketball game with Papa this weekend.  Olivia loved it.  She had a great time watching the ball go up and down the court, dancing with the cheerleaders, and yelling "have it" when she decided she wanted to hold the "sketball" that they were playing with.  I think we have a future basketball star on our hands.

Going to basketball games might be Olivia's new favorite thing.  She loves spending time with Papa, especially when he buys her hotdogs, popcorn, nachos and pop.  That's right folks, Olivia was busy eating the ENTIRE TIME (that's really not a big surprise).  She would have kept going too if the food wouldn't have run out.  If she doesn't become a basketball star we might just have to enter her in a "hotgog" eating contest.

The shirt that Olivia is wearing in these pictures is my old shirt. It fits her perfectly, except that the sleeves are supposed to be 3/4 length.

See the nacho in her hand?  Girlfriend couldn't even stop eating for a picture.

Touchdown.  We are still a little confused with our sports.

Showing off her cheerleading skills.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Our Little Fashionista

This picture needs no explanation


As we enter into the new year all you hear about are the resolutions that people are setting (and breaking).  Scott and I have both set a few resolutions.  One of mine is to find a hobby for myself, keep your fingers crossed that sewing can fill that void.

Scott on the other hand has quite a hobby going in the garage.  Most of you may know that Scott is a pretty darn good wood worker.  He has built many things around our house.  For example, he has built a book shelf in the basement, he is working on a new bar, he built an entertainment center, a bed and dresser.  And then there is the most prized possession in our home.  Two years ago Scott built the most wonderful crib for Olivia which has now turned into Finn's bed.  I am sure it will become a family heirloom.  Hopefully one that is passed down for many generations.

If you notice in the left corner of the front of the crib there is a little plaque.  This plaque was purchased as a Christmas present from my parents a few years back.  Below is a close up of it.  Is says "Loving Handcrafted By Scott Waletzko May Angles Watch Over You".  I love love love this plaque.  It is perfect.

Now that Finn has claimed the crib Olivia needed a place to stay.  We opted out of buying a new bedroom set for her and Scott built her a new one.  Of course, it is painted pink (and is queen sized, fitting right?).  

After the bed was complete he refinished an existing dresser and mirror to match.

We are so very lucky to have such a handy man around the house.  I know Scott is drooling at the bit to get the kids into the garage so he can share his knowledge.