Last Sunday we had a winter storm that included lots of ice. Scott has been traveling in Europe all week so the kids and I hunkered down in the house with very little ambition to do much of anything.
While trying to think of an activity to keep Olivia the Busy Bee occupied I remembered the salt dough project that I wanted to complete over Christmas (one of the many projects that didn't get completed I might add).
Olivia pulled her chair up to the counter while I got out the ingredients, mixer and preheated the oven.
Olivia helped me measure the salt, flour and even helped pour the water into the mixer. She is, however, short on patience (I don't know where she gets that) and had a hard time waiting for the dough to mix.
Finn was busy stealing Olivia's money while we were mixing the dough.
Once the dough was mixed we pressed Olivia's little hands into half the dough and Finn's little feet into the other half. I can't believe how tiny their prints are. I wish they could stay this little forever.