We've been busy around here these days. Olivia is potty training and just started swim lessons. The babies had their spring pictures taken together with baby "kicks" (aka chicks) last weekend. Olivia had a blast and Finn looked like he was getting ready to dine on the poor chicks. The chicks didn't know what was coming when my kids walked in the door.
Finn is rolling everywhere these days, which makes him one happy baby. He is becoming more and more coordinated every day. He is getting pretty good at rolling to a toy that he wants and picking it up to play with it for a few minutes. Pictures of all these events will come soon.
My newest project is to start making baby food for Finn. He will be turning six months in a few weeks, can you believe it?? I sure can't. Anyway, I wanted to be prepared for his next milestone with organic baby food. Why not try to make it yourself. Today we went with an orange theme. I made carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes for him. I sure hope he likes it. It actually wasn't as hard/time consuming as I thought it would be.
The food:
And of course...my helpers: