Finn, at 6 (or 7) months old you:
*Weigh 17.3 lbs (25%) and are 26 inches tall (25%)
*Wear size 12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.
*Think your sister is the bee’s knees! You giggle at everything that she does, often times egging her on to do something even naughtier than she is already doing.
*Are army crawling all over the house.
*Can get yourself on your hands and knees and rock back and forth. You will be crawling shortly.
*Love going outside to watch your sister play. Often times you find yourself in the line of fire, those darn squirt guns!
*Are a great eater, you are eating us out of house and home. Again, typical male. You love your orange food - carrots and sweat potatoes. You are not so fond of the greens. I guess you do take after your mamma.
*you are developing such a fun personality. We love your belly laughs, they make even the worst days some of the best days!
Love you Big Guy!