Finn turned nine months this past week, can you believe it? Time is going too fast.
Finn, at 9 months old you:
*Weigh 19.2 lbs. (unofficially - your 9 month appointment is in August)
*Wear size 12-18 (sometimes 18-24) month clothes and a size 3 diaper (you are about to transition into size 4).
*Are such a happy baby! You giggle all they way home from school, you laugh at anything and everything that your sister does and you love crawling head first into mom and dad.
*Are crawling all over the house, you are one fast little sucker too! You are even pulling up on things now. You will be walking in no time.
*Are a morning person. You wake up with smiles every morning. I think you would sit in your crib and play for an hour if I let you.
*Know how to use your voice. You can out yell your sister most of the time. Most know this isn't very easy to do!
*Are still a great eater, you are eating us out of house and home. If we don't feed you your three meals right on time, look out!
*Have four teeth, and they are sharp. You sure know how to use them.
*Finally started sleeping through the night! Whew, what a relief.