Saturday, August 30, 2014

Things We Learned Today

When Olivia grows up she wants to be a butterfly.

When Olivia goes to school at Wisconsin she wants to be on the princess team, since they don't have any other sports teams, of course.

Go Badgers!  Sorry Papa, notice his pants are Illini colors?

Safety First

It's best to be safe when you are spider hunting!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Playing in the Dirt

What kid doesn't love playing in the dirt!  Today Olivia told me that all of the dirt pilled up in the back yard reminded her of the beach.  So we built sand castles.  What fun!

The concentration kills me!

Finn decided it would be more fun to bury dad's foot, forget the sand casltes!

Swimming at Mrs. Trent's

The kids love their Cherie!  Especially when she invites them over for a pool party.

Mrs. Trent made hot dogs, veggies and fruit for the kids and had a pool that was complete with a slide and sprinkler.  She knows the way to their hearts.

It was a little cold outside, so the munchkins didn't spend much time in the pool.  After swimming was over Mrs. Trent topped the afternoon off with Frozen cupcakes and the movie!

I'm not sure how this happened but Finn was the cleanest one after the cupcakes were devoured.  Maybe because he dropped his on the ground frosting side down before eating it.  YUM!

My kids went home exhausted.  Emmie did too, she didn't even make it to Gramma and Papa's house before she fell asleep.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Angel Face

Does this look like an angel face to you?

He is mad because I just took MY toothbrush away from him.  You know, the one he just used to scrub down the inside of the toilet.

Yup, that's right.  Take a few minutes to let that one sink in.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Weekend Adventures!

We had a few visitors this weekend.  The Waletzko/Johnston clan decided to make the trek down to see us.

We enjoyed a lot of family time, laughs, good food and some sightseeing.

On Saturday we took a boat ride on the Channel Cat stopping of at the John Deere Pavilion.  Later that evening the kids decided they wanted to go to Red Lobster for dinner and Whiteys for dessert.  I suppose I was okay with those two choices.

Where's the boat?

Nobody wanted to stop feeding the ducks to take a picture with Mom

Olivia wanted to take Katie for a spin

 It's Finn's trun

Our sweet family

The Johnston crew