Finley, at 2 years old you:
*Weigh approximately 26.6 (25%) lbs and are 34 1/4 (50%) inches tall.
*wear size 2T, size 6 shoes, and a size 5 diaper.
*you love your big sister and hug her every chance you get. You try to do everything that she does, even though she hates that most of the time.
*you are all boy. You love your trucks, buses, trains and diggers! You wouldn't dare touch one of Olivia's babies unless it was to throw it across the room and scream "night night" at it.
*you have two speeds: turbo or sleeping. You are non stop all the time! You keep us on our toes and exhaust most others!
*can count to 10 with a lot of help, you know all of the numbers just not the order. We have been focusing on colors these days!
*love to sing and dance. You run around in circles any time you hear music. You love to sing The Wheels on the Bus and Twinkle Twinkle. You will only let us sing Rock a Bye Baby if someone is holding you and pretends to drop you to the ground.
*are not a very good eater. Your favorite meal is breakfast, you will eat pretty much anything I put in front of you. However, you couldn't care less about the other meals of the day.
*are such a funny, sweet little boy. It is rarely in a bad mood, maybe that's because you see Olivia in the timeout chair when she throws a fit!
Love you Bruiser