How is it possible that my sweet baby girl is 5? FIVE!! I mean really. It feels like just yesterday that we were in the hospital with her. I remember everything about that day, what happened in the news, the weather, the sounds of the maternity ward and the sweet sweet smell of my 6 pound baby girl.
Here we are five years later and that sweet smelling baby has turned into a smart, energetic sassy little lady. I can't believe how fast these years are going.
Olivia at 5:
* You weigh 54 lbs (97th percentile)
* You are 44.5 inches tall (90th percentile)
* You are a great eater, loving pretty much anything I put in front of you. Of course, anything with sugar will be consumed first.
* You love baking, especially with Gramma. You have become a pro at cracking eggs.
* You love going to preschool. You are friends with everyone in your class. When I pick you up in the afternoon all of your friends come running up to you giving you hugs goodbye.
* You are a pro at writing your name, you can do that on your own. You can write everything else as long as someone spells the words for you. Your letter to Santa this year was adorable - filled with everything a princess could want.
* You can count to 100+, only having trouble with the 49 to 50 transition.
* Your favorite colors are pink and purple. That hasn't changed one bit.
* You are a very sweet little girl who loves her babies. You are a great momma to them making sure they are bathed, fed and happy every day.
* You are in ballet class and love it. You are very disciplined. You listen to the teacher very well and follow all of her directions.
* You have a very sweet heart, you make sure everyone is happy at all times and will love on them if they are sad.
* You are a princess at heart. You want to wear dresses at all times, usually with your crown, rings and earrings too.
* You love going to the nail salon to have your fingernails painted. I think Dad might be in for it in about 10 years.
* You are incredibly strong willed and will test your boundaries every chance you get.
* Your future aspirations have changed. Last year when we asked you it was a Fairy (heck, if we asked you two weeks ago that's what it was). Now you would like to be either a nurse or doctor. Thank you kind nurses and Dr. Moen for inspiring a little girl.
Your birthday celebration at Grandma Judy's house. You will have your birthday party here in late January.
On your birthday you requested to go to Texas Roadhouse so you could sit on the saddle and eat chocolate cake.
Our traditional birthday breakfast.