Friday, December 5, 2014

Peter Pan

Some of my fondest memories from my childhood are of when we used to all pile in mom and dad's bed to watch Walt Disney movies that were on TV.  To this day, the intro music of when the Magic Kingdom appears brings me back to those days.

When Peter Pan was going to be on NBC last night I thought that I should try to make a special tradition for my little monsters.

We put on our PJ's, made some popcorn, opened some pop (which was promptly spilled).  After the mess was cleaned up we put our blankets and pillows on the floor and got comfy for the movie.

We lasted for about 20 minutes on the floor and another 40 watching the movie while running around like crazies.  Then the fighting started and the kids went to bed.  Good thing we DVR'd the movie!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I was totally thinking how does she get her kids to stay still? Mine would never lay still!
