Monday, October 12, 2015


Olivia spent most of the weekend at Gramma and Papa's house while Emmie was in town so we took the opportunity to spoil Mr. Finn.

On Saturday when I put him down for his nap I told him that we could do anything that he wanted when he woke up.  Secretly I was hoping he would ask to go to Whites but this is what the little stinker said: "Daddy told me that we could play in the backyard so I want to play in the front yard".  I think dad was hoping that he would be able to get some work done in the back, not according to Finn.

Finn's first baseball lesson.

1. clean your cleats off before you take your first swing
2. try to hit the PERSON putting the ball on the tee for you
3. giggle hysterically
4. pretend like you were cleaning your cleats
5. swing for the fence

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