Sunday, June 16, 2013

Finn is Nine Months Old

Finn turned nine months this past week, can you believe it?  Time is going too fast.

Finn, at 9 months old you:

*Weigh 19.2 lbs.  (unofficially - your 9 month appointment is in August)

*Wear size 12-18 (sometimes 18-24) month clothes and a size 3 diaper (you are about to transition into size 4).

*Are such a happy baby!  You giggle all they way home from school, you laugh at anything and everything that your sister does and you love crawling head first into mom and dad.

*Are crawling all over the house, you are one fast little sucker too!  You are even pulling up on things now.  You will be walking in no time.

*Are a morning person.  You wake up with smiles every morning.  I think you would sit in your crib and play for an hour if I let you.

*Know how to use your voice.  You can out yell your sister most of the time.  Most know this isn't very easy to do!

*Are still a great eater, you are eating us out of house and home.  If we don't feed you your three meals right on time, look out!

*Have four teeth, and they are sharp.  You sure know how to use them.

*Finally started sleeping through the night!  Whew, what a relief.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Conversation with a Two Year Old

This is how my conversation went with Olivia on our way home today.

Olivia: Look Mom, I drew you a flower.

Me: That is so pretty, Olivia, you are such a good artist.

Olivia:  I love you.

Me: I love you too, Olivia.  Are you Mom's best baby?

Olivia: Ohh, I foofed!

Me: **Silence**

Olivia: Dat was a big one.

We may have some work to do with Olivia's manners!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Face of Innocence

Does this look like an innocent face to you?

Let me show you a little something. 

This is what the spare bathroom looks like after that innocent face has been in there.

This is what the living room looks like after that innocent face has rolled through.

This is what happens to the carbon monoxide detector after Finn spots it. 

Let me tell you, he has an obsession with carbon monoxide detectors.  If you have one in your house and we come to visit he will find it and tear it out of your wall as well.  Don't say I didn't warn you!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sibling Love

Just a few pictures for pure cuteness.

I love that Olivia is putting her hand on Finn's hand in this picture.


I love creating new traditions for my family, but some of my favorites are the family traditions that have been handed down from the generations before.

Lagomarcino's is one of those, not just for our family but for many in the Quad Cities.  When you walk into the old fashion soda shoppe, you feel like you are stepping back to 1908, when the shoppe was first opened.

Olivia, Finn and I met my Mom, Dad, Emmie, and Grandma down there a few weekends back.  The food isn't anything special just your typical lunchtime sandwiches (peanut butter, egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, etc).  The girls loved it, especially the ice cream that we let them have for desert.

A little cousin love before lunch

When the girls are with Gamma and Papa they don't have to worry about feeding themselves.

 Momo even got into the action.  She was assigned dessert.  The girls liked her the best, imagine that.

Lets not forget about Finn.  He liked his ice cream too.

I am pretty sure Emmie was mid jump in this picture.

The Color Run

It's been a while, I know I know.  I am going to try to catch you up, we've been busy around here.

I ran a race this weekend, the first one in at least six years.  The last race that I ran was the Susan G Koman race when I lived in Ottumwa, Scott and I were just dating back then.

The race that I ran this weekend was called the Color Run.  Throughout the race, in hopes to break it up and make it a little more fun, they sprayed you with powdered color.  It was actually pretty fun.  I didn't get the time that I wanted, but that's okay.  Scott and I have a few more races this summer, hopefully by the end I will be able to hit my goal.

Pre-race: Getting ready with my little helpers.

I can see the finish line, only a few more steps.  Who thought putting the finish line at the top of a hill was a good idea?

Post race, so dirty!  Liv just couldn't resist the photo opportunity.

 The first color station - yellow powder.  Surprisingly, all of the color has come out of my clothes, not off my body quite yet though.

Liv was a little scared to come up to me after the race, I think I looked like the blue Avatar.