Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from my sweet little monsters to yours!

The kids had a great time trick or treating this year.  They came home with loads of candy, including a few full sized candy bars.

This year we let the kids run up to each home by themselves, dad and I stayed back on the sidewalk.  The kids were under strict instructions to take only one piece of candy and to say thank you to each person.  They did very well, too!  Each time a homeowner told them to take more candy they politely replied "no thank you, my mom told me I could only take one".

Olivia doing her "scary" fairy princess look.

My cheesy little monkey.

Aren't they the sweetest?   

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pumpkin Carving

The kids had a great time carving their pumpkins this weekend.  Of course neither kid would pull the innards out of the pumpkin, they were both thoroughly grossed out.  I can't imagine why, I wouldn't touch that stuff either!

Finley made a spider pumpkin and Olivia carved a traditional Jack O' Lantern (they really ended up claiming the others pumpkin as their own).

Finn couldn't handle it:

That's gross mom:

 The final products:

Olivia acting scared of the spider pumpkin:

 After the shenanigans were completed I baked the pumpkin seeds.  Much to my surprise they turned out pretty well.  I might have to cut open the rest of our pumpkins before we give them the ole heave-ho.

Summer Clean Up

The kids "helped" us clean up the back yard over the weekend.  Read: destroyed all of mom and dad's hard work.

Finley directing Olivia, the cutest leaf loader on the block.

Ready, set, jump!

Soaking in the sun.

My little goof.

Finn helping daddy.

The monster getting Olivia.

Oh how the tides can change.

Finn was less than impressed with being buried.

Annual Photo Shoot

The kids had their annual photo shoot last week.  Here are a few of my favorites, enjoy.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Melt My Heart

Olivia has a favorite book at Gramma and Papa's house, "In a Dark, Dark Room" that she insists on reading every time she is over there.

Last time the kids had a sleep over Olivia read the book to Finn all by herself, she didn't miss a word.

Apple Picking

We went on our second annual apple picking trip this year.  We came home with over 30 pounds of apples!  YUM.  We've already made and devoured one batch of apple crisp.  Apple turnovers are next.  I digress, lets get back to the apple picking.

This year Emmie was in town so she joined in on our fun.  The day was filled with tractor rides, apple picking, caterpillar petting and donkey feeding.  The best part according to the little ones: the hairy caterpillar.  **Deep sigh**

Hunting for the perfect apples!

The treasure!

Emmie thinks they taste good!

So does Finn.

Liv was less than impressed.  Where's the caramel?

Aren't they the sweetest?

Liv, Em, Finn

Running from the monster.

The monster:


Do I have apple on my face?

Muscle man (Finn, not Scott even though he had to carry the apples because they made the wagon to heavy for Finn)