Sunday, September 27, 2015

Homecoming 2015

The kids enjoy going to the Moline Homecoming parade with Gramma every year.  This year did not disappoint.  It was perfect weather to sit outside for the afternoon listening to the bands, watching the teams, and of course, Olivia's favorite - the cheerleaders.

Aren't they the cutest?

Some of you will remember this shirt.  It was mine when I was little.  Olivia wore it for two year and now it has been passed down to Finn.  Who would have guessed that this shirt would last this long.

The best part - the Whitey's popsicles that were handed out.

Finn didn't last 10 minutes in the car until he fell asleep with his popsicle stick in hand.

Pumpkin Patch Fun

We learned our lesson last year, don't go hunting for pumpkins halfway through October.  We made our way to the pumpkin patch this weekend to ensure that we had first pick.

I'm happy to say we made it out with some decent finds this year.

We tried a new place too, it was a major hit.  We went on a hay rack ride, rode a cow train, bounced in a bounce house and fed the animals.  Needless to say we left with two tuckered babies.

The cow train was a hit with Finn.  Olivia thought it went too fast and was too bumpy.  Scott promptly claimed that he gets to stick with Finn when we go to Disney and I get Olivia.

Hunting for popping corn was a hit too.  Well, with Finn at least.  Olivia was upset because she thought she was going to get actual popcorn.  Girlfriend was disappointed when there wasn't any food involved.

After the great pumpkin hunt the kids fed the goats and llamas.

Olivia was less than impressed with her hands after the fact.

 Muscle man hauling the load.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Circus Time

And no, I am not referring to my house!

The Ringling Bros circus was in town so of course we had to go see a show.

Finn said his favorite part was the tigers, we figured it would be the eight motorcycles that were driving around in a cage at one time.  Olivia's favorite was the elephants, which surprised no one.  The only surprise was that she didn't mention how much she loved the cotton candy.  With the amount that was consumed, I am surprised that my kids slept at all that day.

My Little Bixer's

The kids enjoyed running the Jr. Bix this year.  I am not sure why, it was about 115 degrees outside and we had to wait an hour an a half for their age brackets to run.  But for some reason they loved it!  I am sure they will enjoy running again next year.

Olivia won her heat and Finn came close, but was distracted by the firetruck at the finish line.

If you noticed that we didn't have any pictures of Olivia with her medal or popsicle you are correct.  By the time she received hers Finn had dropped his popsicle on the ground and was throwing a major fit, so we hightailed it back to the car!

Finley Turns Three

Our little guy turned three yesterday!  Time is going by way too fast, it feels like just yesterday that we were in the hospital with him!

Finley, at 3 years old you:

*are one of a kind. You are sweet, full of spunk, funny, ornery, and have way too much energy!  You never stop moving!

*weigh 31 pounds (50%) and are 38 1/4 inches tall (75%).  You are a long lean playing machine

*wear a 3T in clothes (you are just moving out of 2T, sometimes they still fit -- you are our little peanut) and a size 9 shoe (you may be little, but your feet are not).

*have been completely diaper free for about month, maybe a little longer now, even at night!  Way to go champ.

*are not a very good eater, unless it has frosting, jam or butter on top.  Then you only eat the top and are done.  You refuse to touch a veggie (I don't know where you got that). 

* you know your ABC's and can count to at least 10.  I haven't really payed attention so when you wake up from your nap I will have to ask you to count for me.

*your favorite movie is Despicable Me.  You don't watch much TV but are a pro at watching YouTube and Netflix on the iPad.  

*your favorite past time is playing with your cars.  You are all things boy!  You could play with your trucks in the dirt all day long if I would let you.  You even enjoy tackling your sister when she least expects it. 

*love your older sister (most of the time).  You know how to push her buttons.

*you love going to school where you can play with your friends, run around outside and drive their trucks.

*are a handful! The only time you sit idle is when you are sleeping.  You are constantly talking, asking questions and annoying your sister.

*you love getting your hair cut, you've had three or four already.  Your latest is short enough for spikes and mohawks.  You insist on having your hair styled every morning now, "spikes" being your favorite request.

We love you to pieces buddy and can't wait to watch you grow over the next year!