Monday, March 24, 2014

A Few Randoms

I don't know why we keep buying new toys for the kids.  They always find so much excitement in playing in the old boxes.

The last bath in the old house.

**A post on the new house coming soon**

Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day came up way too fast this year.  I was in no way ready for it.

We didn't do too much to celebrate my favorite holiday.  All I did was cook a festive dinner of corned beef, potatoes, carrots and tasty green fruit dip.

Maybe next year we will be able to do more.

Olivia was too busy watching a movie, she didn't want to help mom in the kitchen so Finn reaped the benefits, he got to lick the Cool Whip container.  What a treat.

Happy Birthday Momo

I've been MIA for a while, I apologize, things have been crazy around here.  I owe you a few posts so here we go.

Momo (my grandma) turned 87 this month. We celebrated the occasion with a nice family lunch at the Blackhawk Hotel. We were lucky enough to be able to reserve a room with doors so the kids could run and play.  Lets be honest, there's no other way we would have been allowed in such a nice restaurant without that room with doors.

The service may not have been the best, but as Olivia put it "those were the best people to invite over ever". It's all about the company!

Momo with three of the three of her thirteen great-grandbabies.  She even has two more on the way this summer.  What a lucky great grandma!  Too bad Momo was the only one looking at the camera.

The Blueberry cake that I baked. I'm starting to really enjoy creating tasty treats. Even more now that I have a HUGE kitchen to cook them in.

The kids had a blast standing in the window watching the trains go by.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Olivia: "Is it still Valentines Day?
Me: "No, but St. Patricks Day is coming up."
Olivia: Blank stare
Me: "Oh wait, my birthday is next week"
Olivia: "Ohhh, then it's Finey's birthday, Daddy's birthday, Papa's birthday, then it's my birthday.  I get another birthday, yahhhh!"

What just happened?